KIPP DC benefits from exceptional corporate and community partners who help us build a foundation for student success in school and improve life outcomes for the next generation of Washingtonians. Together, we can ensure that our students and alums have access to a world-class education’s resources, experiences, networks, and opportunities.
Our Partners
Our Partnerships in Action
In 2011, Accenture and KIPP DC designed Future Focus, a career skills and internship placement program which has since expanded nationwide to additional KIPP regions. Each year, KIPP DC students and alumni are selected as Accenture interns and a number are sponsored by Accenture to work at local non-profits.
Verizon is a valued partner of KIPP DC. As a generous supporter of our science, technology, engineering, and math programs at KIPP DC College Preparatory, they share our vision for a highly-educated and diverse workforce. Globally, Verizon has committed more than $200 million for technology and educational resources.
KIPP DC is grateful to call PGIM our newest partner. Together we will provide high school students with opportunities to build their networks, learn how to navigate the workforce, and secure internships as they plan their career and post-high school journey.
Meet Our Partners and Supporters
Have an Impact on Your Community

Inspire the Next Generation
Through our partners, students and alumni gain exposure to the world beyond school and are introduced to a variety of sustainable career paths. Students participate in career readiness workshops, networking and mentorship programs, and summer internships, preparing themselves with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the competitive world.
Share your Talents & Resources
Partners provide pro bono services and specialty goods to support programming and events for KIPP DC students and alumni. Past partnerships have yielded volunteer days, classroom resources, consulting services, and supply drives, all in support of our students and local community.
Provide Critical Financial Support
Partners help underwrite specific KIPP DC programs and supplement financial aid so our alumni can succeed in college and careers. The Capital Teaching Residency, the KIPP Forward program, community engagement opportunities, and programatic enhancements to classroom technology and instruction are made possible through financial support from our partners.

Partner Benefits
Community Leadership & Recognition
Through event and program sponsorship, earn branding opportunities and recognition to reach more than 7,000 families, 1,400 staff members, and our vast network of supporters and partners across the city.
Employee Engagement Opportunities
Have a direct impact on D.C. youth through an abundance of team-building service activities in line with your organization’s mission.
Access a Diverse Talent Pool
By engaging directly with students and alumni about career opportunities, our partners benefit by accessing a diverse talent pool of recent high school and college graduates.
Invest your time and energy in our local community. Individual and corporate group volunteers make a difference for our students.
Contact Us
If you want to partner with KIPP DC, don’t hesitate to contact Kristin Jackson, director of development.