2020-21 Academic Calendar
Thursday, August 6 – Friday, August 14: Parent-Teacher-Student Welcome Back Conferences
Monday, August 17 – Thursday, August 20: COVID safety procedure practice and make-up Parent-Teacher-Student Welcome Back Conferences (no students)
Friday, August 21: First Day Of School for PreK3-8 & Freshman +Senior Orientation begin
Monday, August 31: First Day of School for High School Students
Early Childhood Schools (PreK3 – Kindergarten)
Arrival – I enter my designated entrance
- Warm welcome from my principal and school staff
- Health screening questions
- Coat and backpack in my cubby
- Clean my hands
Opening Group/Morning Meeting
- I sit in my designated spot to start the day
Whole-Group & Small-Group Learning
- We learn key literacy, math, and social emotional skills
- We read from our own books
- We work together but sit apart
- We learn about our feelings and staying safe
Lunch & Recess
- I clean my hands before lunch and after play
- I eat at my table, but can talk to my friends
- We run and play activities outside that keep us apart, but we still have fun
- We engage in fun enrichment activities
- I clean my hands, pack my things, and say goodbye.
My Schools Keeps Me Safe:
- Social and emotional learning focused
- Staggered scheduling
- Supportive instruction and practice on safety routines that are taught and monitored
- Small groups (less than 10 students)
- Assigned spaces for students and belongings
- Clear signage and procedure markings
- Individual manipulatives and supplies
When I am at Home, my Learning Looks Like:
- Being read to and reading books to myself
- Completing work to practice what I’m learning in school and sending pictures of my work to my teachers
- Engage in blended learning programs
- Contacting my teacher when I need help
- Playing and talking with those around me
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Elementary Schools (1 – 5th grades)
Arrival – I enter my designated entrance
- Warm welcome from my principal and school staff
- Health screening questions
- Coat and backpack in my cubby
- Clean my hands
- I eat breakfast in my classroom.
Opening Group/Morning Meeting
- I sit in my designated spot to learn about my day at school, including ways to be safe.
Whole-Group & Small-Group Learning
- We learn important reading, writing, math, and social emotional skills
- We read from our own books and use our own laptops to grow our brains.
- We work together but sit apart.
Lunch & Recess
- I clean my hands before lunch and after play.
- I eat at my table, but can talk to my friends.
- We play activities outside that keep us apart, but we still allow us to move and have fun.
- For PE, I go outside or to the gym and play games that are fun but can be played at a distance.
- I have other specials in the classroom like music, art, technology, or dance
- I clean my hands, pack my things, and say goodbye
- The teachers help me follow safety guidelines in the hallway
- I leave through my designated door
My Schools Keeps Me Safe
- Social and emotional learning focused
- Staggered scheduling
- Supportive instruction and practice on safety routines that are taught and monitored
- Small groups (less than 10 students)
- Assigned spaces for students and belongings
- Clear signage and procedure markings
- Individual manipulatives and supplies
When I am at Home, my Learning Looks Like:
- Independently reading books on my level.
- Writing in response to my book and texts that I’m reading with my teacher in class.
- Completing practice math problems.
- Using my “at home” laptop to work on instructional programs.
- Watching video lessons to learn new content and prepare for my next time at school.
- Taking short quizzes, assignments and exit tickets on Edulastic for my teacher to grade.
- Calling my teachers during designated office hour times to get help.
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Middle Schools (6 – 8th grades)
Arrival – I enter my designated entrance
- Warm welcome from my principal and school staff
- Health screening questions
- Coat into my locker
- Clean my hands
Homeroom or Morning Meeting
- I join my homeroom group. I will be with this same group of 6-9 students all day
- I sit at my designated desk
- I eat breakfast in my classroom
Subject Area Learning
- I have literacy, math, science and social studies classes
- The different subject area teachers transition into my classroom to teach my group
- We read from our own books and use our own Chromebooks
- We work together but sit apart
- We learn about ways to stay safe
- The teachers get me ready for the assignments that I will work on at home
Lunch & Recess
- I clean my hands before lunch and after recess
- I eat in my classroom with my small group
- We run and play activities outside that keep us apart, but we still get exercise and have fun
- For PE, I go outside or to the gym and play games that are fun but can be played a distance
- I have other specials in the classroom like music, art, and dance
- I clean my hands, pack my things, and say goodbye
- The teachers help me follow safety guidelines in the hallway
- I leave through my designated door
My School Keeps Me Safe
- Staggered scheduling
- Supportive instruction and practice on safety routines that are taught and monitored
- Small groups (less than 10 students)
- Assigned spaces for students and belongings
- Clear signage and procedure markings
- Individual manipulatives and supplies
- Handwashing after arrival, before eating, and before dismissal
When I am at Home, my Learning Looks Like
- Independently reading books on my level
- Writing in response to my book and texts that I’m reading with my teacher in class
- Completing practice math problems
- Watching learning videos to review and to get ready for my next time at school
- Taking short quizzes and exit tickets
- Calling my teachers during designated office hour times to get help
- Turning my work in on Google Classroom and Edulastic for my teacher to grade
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High School (9 – 12th grades)
Arrival – I enter through my designated entrance
- Warm welcome from my school leader(s) and school staff
- Health screening questions
- Connection with classmates and school staff
- Clean my hands
- Grab & Go breakfast
Academics/Instruction—9th and 10th graders
- I will receive instruction in-person by my teachers for all my core courses (English, math, history, science)
- I will take my electives course(s) online, but may have time at school to complete work (based on individual schedule)
- We use social distancing to guide our seating in classrooms and refrain from transitioning to other classrooms
- We learn together in groups and activities while using social distancing to sit apart
- We spend time sharing our stories, supporting one another, expressing ourselves and strengthening our community
- I can get lots of help from my teachers, social workers, and administrators who know me and my family
- We are assigned our own Chromebooks to use in school (we do not share with these with our classmates) and I also keep a Chromebook at home for remote learning
- We are assigned our own textbooks and instructional materials to use at school
- My teachers prepare me for my remote learning assignments and remind me about office hours
- I will be on time for office hours with my teachers and counseling appointments with my social worker when scheduled
Academics/Instruction—11th and 12th graders
- I will take my core courses and electives online, but can get help in-person during scheduled office hours with my teachers and counselors
- I will ensure that I am on time for in-person appointments during scheduled office hours with my teacher(s)/counselor(s) and that I have the appropriate materials
- We will use social distancing to guide our seating during office hours
- I can get lots of help (virtual and in-person opportunities) from my teachers, social workers, and administrators who know me and my family
- We are assigned our own Chromebooks to use at home and during office hours (we do not share with these with our classmates)
- We are assigned our own textbooks and instructional materials
- We eat lunch in classrooms to avoid large groups seated together for long durations
- We dispose of all our trash and help keep our personal spaces clean
*Note: Microwaves not available
- I clean my hands, gather my belongings, and say goodbye
- The teachers and administrators remind me of the safety guidelines in the hallways and in exiting the building
- I leave through my designated door
My School Keeps Me Safe
- Staggered scheduling
- Supportive instruction and practice on safety routines that are taught and monitored
- Small groups (less than 10 students)
- Assigned spaces for students and belongings
- Clear signage and procedure markings
- Individual manipulatives and supplies
- Handwashing after arrival, before eating, and before dismissal
- Frequent cleaning of common areas and supplies
When I am at Home, my Learning Looks Like
- Doing my best to stay on a consistent schedule (will be provided with a schedule on days when remote class time is required)
- Following my remote learning schedule and be on time to all virtual classes (11th and 12th graders follow remote schedule for all core classes)
- Completing my individual class assignments and assessments by the expected due dates
- Checking my emails and tech platform for new messages and feedback from my teachers
- Reaching out to my teachers if I need extra help and attending office hours as often as possible
- Watching learning videos to review and to get ready for my next time at school (refers to core classes for 9th and 10thgraders)
- Making sure there is an adult family member who is also in contact with my teachers
- Reaching out to my advisor and/or social worker when I need emotional/mental health support or when I need to talk to a trusted adult
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