Join Us in Supporting KIPP DC’s Masterminds Program!

Help us raise $48,000 in 48 hours to support our students’ academic growth and success.

We believe every student deserves the opportunity to excel academically and achieve their full potential. This year, we’re focusing our efforts on our Masterminds program—a year-long tutoring initiative designed to accelerate growth for students performing below grade level and prepare all students to excel on through evidence-based practices.

Collage of Students participating in Masterminds program

Why Masterminds Matters

  • Targeted Support: Focused on students scoring below grade-level to boost their performance.
  • High Standards: Aligned evidence-based curricular and pedagogical practices in a highly structured, purposeful, joyful, and impactful environment.
  • Mathematics Instruction: Fluency and grade-level content instruction from dedicated KIPP DC teachers.
  • Literacy Support: Emphasis on foundational reading skills and writing.
  • Data-Driven: Regular analysis and response to student data to ensure ongoing progress.
  • 100% Free: No cost to families, ensuring equitable access to academic support.

Make a Donation

Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal of $48,000 in 48 hours. Your generosity ensures that our students receive the academic support they need to succeed. Your support is crucial in helping us reach our goal and providing the academic resources our students need to thrive. Make a donation today and be a part of ensuring the academic growth and success of KIPP DC students.