Showing the Work: Our School System Focus in Action

KIPP DC recently hosted three impactful events that underscore our system-wide focus of improving math achievement and growth for all students. At KIPP DC Inspire Academy and KIPP DC Quest Academy, we hosted engaging Math Nights dedicated to elementary students and their families. These events were thoughtfully designed to provide an interactive platform where mathematical concepts came to life through various engaging activities, games, and challenges. 

A parent and student solving a math problem together

Megan O’Leary, the dean of intervention at Inspire Academy, reflected on the motivation behind this initiative, stating, “How often have we heard families express uncertainty when their children seek help with math problems? This led us to think about the roadblocks students face and how to bridge this educational gap. Because the reality is, all of us as educators had to go through a learning curve to understand and update our methodologies.”

These events were an excellent opportunity for parents to actively engage in their children’s mathematical journey. Guided by our educators, families were able to explore strategies to support their children’s math education at home. Collaborative workshops allowed parents to gain insights into the curriculum, understand problem-solving techniques, and discover ways to reinforce mathematical concepts in everyday life.

At the core of our math night initiative was a focus on fostering a positive attitude towards math and instilling confidence and a sense of curiosity early on is fundamental for future success in this subject. 

KIPP Foundation members helping students with mathWe also hosted a recent visit by KIPP Foundation to our Wheeler Campus. Nearly 75 academic leaders from KIPP regions across the nation joined us to witness firsthand the implementation of Eureka Math at KIPP DC. The visit highlighted our educators’ leadership, dedication, and effectiveness in fostering math growth and achievement.

Both the visit by KIPP Foundation and our math nights underscore our unwavering commitment to excellence in math education. As we look ahead to the second half of the 2023-24 academic year, we’re excited to continue our journey in math education, ensuring that every student at KIPP DC is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed for a bright and successful future.

Posted on January 3, 2024 in Community