Mural Request Process

Mural Request Form

Given the permanent and costly nature-of murals, they require an additional layer of approval from the brand, finance, and facilities team. In addition, they will require the Chief of Schools approval. As a general rule of thumb, KIPP DC's brand is centered on simplicity, so the plainer/less busy the mural, the more likely it is alignment with our brand guidelines. When in doubt, we'd advise holding on the mural project till a clear, simple plan can be created. Murals are permanent and costly, so don't jump in quickly. Reach out to Mekia Love and Aaron Hampton with questions.

  • Include a sketch/illustration, etc. of what the mural will look like. Describe in words what images the mural will contain and how it aligns to KIPP DC’s and/or your school’s vision. Describe what materials will be used. Will this be adhered to the wall or painted directly on it?
  • The cost should not exceed your total beautification budget allotment which is equal to 25% of your replacement furniture budget (see furniture budget template for reference).
  • Describe the cost for this project. Attach or include any contracts that have been provided to you by the vendor. Describe what the cost entails (materials, labor, etc.)
  • How long will it take to complete the mural? When would you like the mural to be completed?
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please upload pictures, agreements, etc. to support this request.