Advocacy and engagement are the bedrock of the Community Engagement Team. Through our work, we seek to ensure that the voices of students, families and the community are brought to light. This month students lead the charge and lifted their voices in advocating for themselves. Parents came together to form a new advisory board and our team joined in on community conversation. We proudly stand with our students, families, and community as we all seek to make positive changes.
Althea Holford, Managing Director of Community & Government Affairs
Around Town:
Thurgood Marshall Academy Safe Passage Event
On Thursday, October 24 students from KIPP DC College Preparatory participated in a robust discussion around Safe Passage at The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council’s Fall Convening. KCP students, joined by students from Thurgood Marshall Academy and Ballou Senior High School, led the conversation by sharing their own lived experiences as it relates to public safety, treatment from police and the ability to be kids in public space. We’re so proud of all of the work students are doing to ensure safe passages! Thank you to the Deputy Mayor for Education, CJCC, and countless community members for their continued support in this effort.
Councilmember Trayon White’s Public Safety Event
We were proud to be part of Councilmember Trayon White Public Safety Roundtable that took place in the Ward 8 community. I testified along with our Chief Community and Growth Office, Jacque Patterson, on the need for improved transportation options for our students traveling long distances. We believe more dedicated bus lines and shuttles will improve safe passage. We’re always proud to be part of these critical conversations that affect our students and community.

KIPP DC Students Testify at DC Council
On October 29th and 30th, middle school students from KIPP DC AIM Academy and high schoolers from KIPP DC College Preparatory testified in front of the D.C. Council at the Wilson Building. Both schools spoke to the importance of continuing to fund arts & humanities in schools. Theater students from KIPP DC College Preparatorystudents wowed At-large Councilmember David Grosso, with an original song from their upcoming musical: Newsies!
KIPP Parent Advisory Board
We kicked off our Parent Advisory meetings with the 2019-20 cohort of KIPP Parent Advisors! During our first meeting, we reviewed KIPP DC’s Family Engagement strategy and worked in small groups to find ways to improve it. Through conversations, we were able to take away points regarding communication, student learning, volunteering, advocacy, and so much more. We’re very thankful to have so many passionate and engaged parents who are willing to assist us in improving the experience for KIPP DC families.

Anacostia Coordinating Council Boat Ride
Earlier this month the KIPP DC Engagement team hosted and set sail on the annual Anacostia Coordinating Council Boat Ride! As proud members and neighbors in the Ward 8 community, it was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends, engage with community organizations and celebrate the “Great Ward 8”. We look forward to continuing working alongside those who are impacting our students and families in Ward 8.
ANC Roundtable w/ Robert White
Thanks to At-Large Councilmember Robert White for hosting an ANC Roundtable discussion at KIPP DC College Preparatory. We appreciate the opportunity to engage city leaders and continue to work in partnership to make a better DC for our students and families.
Upcoming Events:
- Public Hearing on Ferebee-Hope – Nov 14 – RSVP Today