From looking back on their academic journey to this point, to looking forward to embarking on new journeys and career, hear from the class of 2021 in their words as we celebrate their accomplishments in our ongoing Seniors Speak Series.
Miciah, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
I think the different teachers I have encountered and just my after school activities because it definitely brought me back to who I am.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
Ms.Keys because she came into my life and just took me in and embraced me with open arms. She treats me as if I am her own and whether its personal or educational I know that she will be there at every step of the way even beyond my time at KCP.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
My growth as a person and how much I have embraced myself and my passions.
What are your plans after graduation?
I will either be going to college to get my degree in engineering and dance and minor in mathematics or physics or going to cosmetology school.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I plan to be a successful engineer, business owner, maybe dancer or studio owner. I also will be married with a family
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Work hard because as long as you work hard the accomplishments you have in this world are something no one will ever be able to take away from you.
Jeremiah, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
KIPP DC has always been a family and opened up so many doors. I’ve been with KIPP DC since it started in a church basement many years ago.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
My favorite teachers have been Mr. Manuel and Mr. Bratton because they coached me throughout my whole high school experience inside and outside of school
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Becoming senior class president and starting a nonprofit foundation. But honestly everything I have done through and with the help of KIPP DC to help my community.
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to continue to work on my business and help my community and the world.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself helping kids across the District with my organization. I will be financially stable and have attended college debt-free.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Life is so much better when you help others 🙂
Frances, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
The fact that KIPP DC helped shape the person I am today.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
I love all my teachers because they are all doing a good job so it’s hard to pick a favorite.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Making a name for myself though being on the honor roll, president’s and dean’s list.
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to start my own afrobeat dance and plan out the next steps of my life.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself having graduated from college and pursuing a career as a pediatrician.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
So many things come to mind: know your reason behind being in school, take life slow and steady, and accept and learn from of people of different races and cultures.
Azhane, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
The diversity of teachers and all the sports opportunities.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
Mr.Martin because he made me who I am now. He taught me to never give up and continue to put myself first and stay out others way.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Continuing to play sports and keeping my grades high.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to attend medical school to become a cardiologist.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself working at a hospital as a successful cardiologist.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Work hard but never forget to HAVE FUN!!!
Jamya, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
Throughout my KIPP DC High school experience, I have honored to be apart of amazing programs that have guided me to amazing opportunities for my future that no other school would.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
I have met a lot of amazing teachers throughout my time at KIPP DC and there are so many amazing teachers to choose, but there are two teachers who are really important to me. One is Mr.Mitchell, my NAF teacher. He has been doing an amazing job with teaching me all about finance and giving me challenges everyday in my schoolwork that will definitely be relevant in the “real world” and I appreciate his passion for teaching finance to young black students. Secondly, Mr.Bratton is another favorite teacher of mine. Bratton was my Spanish teacher in my sophomore year, now he is my AP US Government teacher. In AP GOV, Bratton allows us to speak and argue our thoughts and feelings to the world and politics today. He honestly has made more interested into politics and I am happy that I am now involved. He has informed and educated us that we are very valuable as black students and he expects nothing but greatness from us.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Many things come to mind: Becoming President of the FIRST NAF Academy of Finance at KIPP DC College Prep, Starting a “Renaissance Models,” becoming apart of NHS, and obtaining a 3.7+ GPA.
What are your plans after graduation?
Attending my dream HBCU, or any college that has the best Accounting program with a full ride and debt free.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I will be financially stable or on a path to it. I will be a CPA and finishing law school for Business Economics. In addition, I plan to start a family and go into real estate.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
ALWAYS perform your best self.
Jamai, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
The sports. I’m athletic and being able to play the sports I love is very fun.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
My favorite teacher is Mr. Knight. I’ve been with him since ninth grade so our bond has grown throughout my whole high time period. He’s a great teacher and person.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Honestly, persevering through the challenges of COVID at the end of my 11th grade year. I ended with a 4.5 even though the virtual learning was challenging.
What are your plans after graduation?
I would like to attend a very good medical school, preferably Harvard. I also would like to major in medicine to become a pediatrician.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself probably still in college, finishing up and then becoming one of the most successful pediatricians.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Nobody said school would be easy and KIPP DC will push you. But, you have an amazing opportunity to go to one of the best schools so do your best, stay on track and make those who matter most to you PROUD!
Christopher, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
I’ve enjoyed and appreciate all the help and support I received.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
Mr.Bratton because he knows what we go through as black males in today’s society.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
I’m proud of the 3.5 GPA I have obtained.
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to attend Bowie State University while pursuing a career in music.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
10 years from now I see myself being very successful.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
All your years of high school are important, but what you do in the first three are critical.
Donae, KIPP DC College Preparatory
What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
I loved the after school activities KIPP DC has allowed me to experience.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
Both Ms. Keys and Mr. Phipps because they are great teachers.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Being inducted into the National Thespian Society
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to attend aircraft school and become a pilot
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself as a successful Black pilot and homeowner
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Always work hard and keep the focus on accomplishing your goals!
Aje’Ne, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
What I have loved most about my KIPP DC experience is the family atmosphere. It’s going to be hard to move on from you guys.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
My favorite teacher is Ms.Li. Since day one she never gave up on me, no matter what. She has always been willing to listen and help me with my problems. We have had a strong student-teacher bond since the day we met.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Being myself, improving my grades and learning how to advocate for myself as I reach for my dreams.
What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation are to continue building my business and attend an arts school where I would like to major in Fashion Design.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself running a successful fashion business in 10 years. I love writing and also see me publishing my first book by then.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Be yourself and never let anybody stop you from being you!
Aniyah, KIPP DC College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
The learning experience. I think that the staff really want to see their students be very successful and they push us to our full potential.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
My favorite teacher is Ms.Matos. She is so loving and caring and I feel like she understands me.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
Passing all of my classes and having a great bond with my teachers and dean. Meeting new people, creating friendships. I was able to pass each grade with an 3.8 and higher!
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to go to college in Pennsylvania. I want to study criminology or psychology. I am interested in being a forensic criminologist. I love watching crime shows and solving crimes when I watch those shows. I am also interested into studying music & journalism. I love singing and I want to further my skills with my voice and I love writing. I also plan to spend time with my family and just be happy, peaceful and wealthy.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself being very happy, peaceful, in my own place, wealthy, my family being very well taken care of, loving my career and possibly having a family of my own.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Stay focused on your work and make memories!
Robert, KIPP DC Somerset College Preparatory

What have you loved most about your KIPP DC high school experience?
I love all the new things that I have learned during high school career.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
Mr.Stokes because he is like a uncle to me. He has watched me grow up.
What has been your greatest accomplishment at KIPP DC?
I proud of the good grades and start I have had to my senior year.
What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation are to pursue a military career as a nurse.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see me being a successful as a nurse and enjoying my life.
What words of encouragement or wisdom would you give to KIPPsters of all ages?
Be smart and always try to make the right decision.