Meet Mr. Patrick Fears / Physical Education Teacher /KIPP DC Lead Academy
As a former college and semi-pro football player, Patrick Fears always recognized the importance of sports and physical education in molding an individual. “I knew through sports I could become a better person and I always knew I wanted to help the youth in whatever capacity it may be. I know a lot about sports and the body, and I knew I could combine that with my love for helping and succeed as a physical education teacher.”
Patrick began his career in education as a Capital Teaching Resident at KIPP DC Lead Academy in 2011 after graduating from Frostburg State University with a degree in philosophy and sociology. The education field was new to him, but he still recalls eagerness at tackling a new experience. “I tried to learn everything I could about education as a Capital Teaching Resident.”
Seven years have passed since he first started with KIPP DC, and he loves being in a position to make a difference in the lives of his students. “It’s amazing that I can do something like this,” he said. ”For me to reach as many kids as possible by showing them love, pushing them, and giving them an extra high five when they need it is truly is a blessing.”

While traditional subjects like math and science are readily associated with a KIPP DC education, he describes physical education as equally vital to shaping the next generation of leaders. “Physical education builds confidence. School can be challenging at times and physical education is an avenue to reinvigorate students and build their confidence to push through each day’s challenges.”
But what’s most unique to Patrick about KIPP DC is the bond shared by the teachers, students, and families. “The sense of community, no matter where you go, is special. I can go and speak to any mom or dad and they’ll respond back with ‘Hey Coach, how are you’,” he said. “Being here as long as I have, I’ve had the opportunity to meet pretty much every 1st grade to 7th grade parent and it truly makes it feel like a family.”
With the profound introspection expected of a philosophy major, Patrick offers a word of advice for teachers considering joining the KIPP DC team. “Whatever you do has to be student first, because we’re here to better our community and we’re trying to touch as many kids as possible. My chance to become president or the next great athlete is over, but I most definitely can put the kids in the right mind-state to get there.”