As we kick-off the new year, we wanted to share directly from our Residents about why they chose to join the Capital Teaching Residency at KIPP DC.

“I joined the Capital Teaching Residency, because of the belief that if a student can fall in love with learning at such a young age, they can become lifelong learners! With the help of a strong teacher, students gain fundamental skills, a passion for learning, and confidence in their abilities, which are all a foundation for their educational journey.” – Ms. Hannah Jung, KIPP DC Connect Academy

“I chose to become a Capital Teaching Resident because I want to instill inquisitiveness, perseverance, and confidence within students just like my teachers instilled within me. If I can be a catalyst for students to gain a lifelong love for learning, it would be my most gratifying accomplishment as a teacher!” – Platrina Alexander, KIPP DC Discover Academy

“Elementary school is part of a students’ foundation, a strong foundation builds a strong person. Course content is important; however, learning to work with people, resolve conflict, problem solve, and treat others with respect is even more important.” – Kyle Hall, KIPP DC Promise Academy

“I want to be the teacher that helps students build a passion for learning from the beginning. Once I joined the Capital Teaching Residency, I found the thing I was missing. I really enjoy being a teacher. I’m helping first graders start their educational careers.” – Devon Myers, KIPP DC Lead Academy