Shandeliha Walker

Shandeliha Walker is a second semester grad student for mental health counseling. She graduated with a humans relations degree with a counseling concentration with a minor in education and sociology. Shandeliha has been working with children since she graduated high school in 2012 in few different positions. As of now, she splits her time being a dedicated aide for enriched schools and academic advisor for college track. She is a proud mother to a KIPP DC Promise Academy student, Noah. The messages in her books are the tools that has helped her raise Noah to be the compassionate and supportive friend he is today. Shandeliha says that emotional handling for boys in the Black community is far behind and she wants to have a hand in changing that. Her book “Caleb’s First Day Of Third Grade, An Up And Down Day” tells boys is okay to have emotions and crying does not make them weak. The next book she is releasing next month is about coping strategies. Buy her book, “Caleb’s First Day Of Third Grade, An Up And Down Day.”